Here are a couple things we would like to address.
1) We would like to acknowledge that we know the parking at our location is an issue.
If you have any issues please call the store for assistance.
2) We would like to inform our customers more on how our online delivery is handled. With only us two owners running the shop, we are not able to leave during open hours. With that , we use couriers through square (normally it is a Doordash driver) to fulfill delivery orders. This is not ideal but more of an option. The last delivery of each day has to be placed 45 minutes before close each night. This is to try to get your order filled when a lot of drivers are out and taking deliveries. This also reduces stolen or late orders, though this can still happen. The drivers are sub-contractors, not employees. With that said, we also want to stress how important it is to tip the courier. The delivery fee mostly goes to the company (Doordash), not the driver. They get roughly 25% of that, which in some cases may not even cover gas. No one works for free, so if the driver can see that they are only getting $2.50 for a delivery that is 10+ miles round trip, they will pass on the order. Then the order keeps getting passed down and passed on while the food sits, getting cold. This also allows the order to have better odds of getting in the hands of a scammer or thief. We would suggest at least $5 for any order, or 10% if over $50, and if it is 5 or more miles away 15 to 20%.
With all these factors, we unfortunately have to put a policy in place to cover ourselves from constant refunds. This policy being:
If we get a online delivery order, and we acquire that no tip was added to the courier for the order, we will be canceling the order to help prevent late or stolen orders. We understand some people may not agree with this policy, but we have to make sure we stay on top of losses such as these so that we do not go out of business and can continue bringing you and developing the service that we provide.
3) We do not accept any payments over the phone. Any form of payment must be present at pick up.
4) All orders must be placed 30 minutes before our close time. We may take orders closer to close given specific situations.
Thank you for your continued support!
Have a GREAT day!